Artificial Intelligence and Block chain are the two emerging technologies that are anticipated to release throughout India. The government has been working on policies for these technologies that are disordering the public policy and Governance. AI & Block chain are an actual boom in India.

So, what is Artificial intelligence and Block chain?

Artificial Intelligence (AI), makes machines seem like Human intelligence. AI includes Image processing, face & optical recognition, photo & video manipulation and so forth.

Now looking at Block chain,

A block chain is a decentralized ledger which records all the transactions happening across the globe. These are immutable ledger which are safeguarded by high cryptography algorithm, thus making it super secured.

The Tamilnadu Government had announced that they have been working on policies to improve this technology. Agricultural Sectors, Schools, IT Sectors, etc., are more benefitted by adapting to these technologies. Various initiatives are taken by the Government to bring about an awareness about the emerging technologies. These are cost-effective and are less time-consuming.

Last but not the least while rolling out AI & Block chain safety and ethical aspects should be followed.

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